Somewhere along the line, the sitting Congressman stopped caring. Maybe he’s too distracted by stupid political fights to show up for regular people. Maybe he likes DC better than Georgia. Maybe he doesn’t see us as real people because we can’t make big campaign donations.
But the people of South Georgia are real. Our problems are real. We work hard. We take care of each other. We face whatever the world throws at us -- together -- and all we want for all our work is a little peace of mind that we will be able to build lives for ourselves and our families.
That we can put food on the table. That we can see a doctor when there’s an emergency. That our kids will have the education and safety they need to grow up with a little less hardship than we did.
South Georgia deserves a Congressmember who gets it. Who’s lived it. Who knows just a little help can go a long way.
Who gives a damn.
Rev. Darrius Butler gives a damn.
About Showing Up for Us
Our communities are full of stories of people who have reached out to the congressional office for help and never heard back. Our families and neighbors get left hanging by the person we elected to stand up for us. Instead of disappearing into the swamp of Washington DC, Rev. Darrius Butler will focus on showing up, listening to the people of South Georgia, and finding resources to solve our problems.
Rev. Butler will:
Increase the number of district offices and make sure they are staffed full time so when you need help, there’s always someone to talk to.
Hold regular town halls (in person and virtual) to hear directly from the people about what’s important to US -- not lobbyists and wealthy donors.
Build partnerships with businesses, charities, farms, and local governments to bring more resources to our communities.
Work to fix basic infrastructure problems that have been ignored too long, like: rebuilding our roads and bridges; ensuring communities have grocery stores and access to basic food and nutrition for our families; investing in rural internet access; and building safe parks and programs for our kids to stay out of trouble.
Investigate the rash of voter roll challenges and purges being pushed by partisan interest groups trying to undermine the votes of thousands of Georgians.
Help to raise our collective voice against lobbyists and special interests by restoring and and strengthening voting rights here in Georgia and across the country while maintaining our election security.
Make Election Day a federal holiday.
Stand up for our civil rights by: protecting and cherishing religious liberties; protecting the second amendment while eliminating criminal loopholes; abolishing the private prisons that take us back to sharecropping days.
Click to read more about Rev. Butler’s plans for
About our Ability to Make a Living and a Life
Life is getting more expensive, and good paying jobs are harder and harder to find. Grocery prices and housing costs are rising. Parents are watching their children leave town to make a life somewhere else because it’s too hard here. We are a region of working class families who are tired of being screwed by corporate criminals, international special interests, and politicians who make special deals for them but think it’s “too political” to stand up for us.
Rev. Butler will:
Fight wage theft so your paycheck reflects the work you actually do instead of the best interest of the corporation.
Strengthen retirement benefit programs so our seniors can make ends meet and retire at a dignified age instead of working themselves to death.
Bring back the Child Tax Credit to give our parents a lifeline and fight child poverty.
Expand markets for Georgia-grown products to support our farmers and create incentives for young people to go into farming.
Decrease the cost of housing by: building smarter and with a mind for future generations, so everyone has the opportunity to own a home, and nobody is left on the streets.
Even the playing field for small businesses and farms by fighting unnecessary regulations, protecting local businesses, and ensuring a market for Georgian goods.
Make sure we all get a piece of the transition to a green economy by supporting our workers, businesses, and environment, while protecting our homes and infrastructure from natural disasters.
Strengthen our education and economy by reducing student debt, investing equally in all students, regardless of ZIP code, modernizing our infrastructure, and increasing worker pay.
Click to read more about Rev. Butler’s plans for
About Our Health and Safety
There are counties in our district with no primary care doctor or no emergency room. Average emergency response times are between 11 and 20 minutes (it should be 4-8 minutes). Addiction and mental health disorders are on the rise. There have been 8 mass shootings in Georgia in the last decade alone. Instead of taking money from insurance companies, drug companies, and gun lobbyists, Rev. Butler will tackle these harms head on.
Rev. Butler will:
Increase funding for rural medical centers to make sure primary care, dental, vision, emergency, maternity, and mental health & addiction services are available in all counties.
Fight to end medical malpractice and corporate greed that fuels the opioid and crack epidemics.
Protect Medicare from Washington politicians who want to slash it.
Keep politics out of your doctor’s office.
Increase funding to support our local and state law enforcement with bias and crisis training.
Promote common sense gun safety with positions most Americans agree on, like safe storage to protect our kids, and background checks to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals.
Protect our seniors and veterans by reforming the VA, and increasing benefits for seniors, so everyone can live safely, independently, and affordably.
Click to read more about Rev. Butler’s plans for